Resources That Can Help
These key phone numbers, organization contacts, and materials serve Ventura county and are meant to assist you in solving personal and family issues, or to aid you during challenging times.
Crisis and Mental Health
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- Suicide Prevention Crisis Mobile Team (24-hour, will support and assess in person): 805-494-8253 or 1-866-998-2243
- Emergency Shelter Program (homeless/mentally ill): 805-981-4200
- Ventura County Mental Health Services: 805-981-4200
- Children’s Intensive Response Team (CIRT of Casa Pacifica): 1-866-431-2478
- Mental Health Access Line (Medi-Cal): 1-800-671-0887
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): 805-641-2426
- Tri-Counties Regional Center: 1-800-664-3177
Ventura County Agencies
- Behavioral Health Department: 805-652-6737, 1-800-671-0887
- Department of Public Health: 805-677-5200
- Public Social Services Agency: 805-654-3454
- Adult and Family Services (to report abuse or neglect): 805-654-3200
Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Abuse
- Coalition for Family Harmony: 1-800-300-2181; 805-983-6014
- Interface: 211, or 1-800-339-9597
- Ventura County Adult and Family Services (to report abuse): 805-654-3200
Health Services
- AIDS Care/Rainbow Alliance: 805-339-6342
- AIM (Access for Infants and Mothers Program): 1-800-433-2611
- Ventura County Medical Center: 805-652-6165
Drug & Alcohol Treatment
- Alcoholics Anonymous: 805-389-1444
- Alanon (for family members): 805-656-7110
- County of Ventura Alcohol & Drug Programs: 805-652-6919
- 24-Hour Alcohol & Drug Counseling: 1-800-367-8336
- Khepera House: 805-653-2596
- Narcotics Anonymous: 805-240-7811
- New Start for Moms: 805-981-9250
- Prototypes (women/children): 805-382-6296
- Rainbow Clean Living (women/children/teens): 805-487-4663
- Ventura County Human Services Agency
- (HSA, for food stamps, CalWORKs, Medi-Cal, General Relief): 805-658-4100
- Social Security: 1-800-772-1213
- Unemployment Benefits: 1-800-300-5616
- Ventura County Veterans Services Office: 805-385-6370
Family Resources
NAMI Ventura County provides emotional support, education and resources for families affected by mental illness. Through community collaboration and education, we advocate for a life of quality and dignity—one without discrimination—for all people affected by this illness. (805) 641-2426
- Rainbow Family Resource Center – provides information on medical diagnoses, a parent library, and support by matching parents who have children with similar needs. No direct cost to parents for these services. 1-800-664-3177, 805-485-9643. Español 805-485-9892
- Child Development Resources – provides referral service for parents and care givers. They maintain a list of licensed pre-schools, day care centers, and home day care providers. No charge. 805-485-7878
- Tri-Counties Regional Center – provides various resources for families with children with development disability including social work services, counseling, medical consultation, behavioral intervention and assessment. 805-485-3177
- Children’s Medical Services – provides regular check ups, immunizations, occupational and physical therapy, and aid with medical and equipment costs to eligible families. 805-981-5281, 1-800-781-4449 ext 4
Legal Services (Low Cost and Free)
- La Colonia Self-Help Legal Access Center: 805-483-4842
- Conejo Free Clinic: 805-497-3575
- Consumer Credit Counseling: 1-800-540-2227
- California Rural Legal Assistance: 805-483-8083
- Grey Law (free services for senior citizens age 60 and over): 805-658-2266
- Jewish Family Services: 805-641-6565
- Lawyer Referral Service: 805-650-7599
- Simi Free Clinic: 805-522-3733
- Ventura County Commission on Human Concerns: 805-486-4725
- Ventura County District Attorney: 805-654-5054
Support Groups
Rainbow Connection Family Resource Center sponsors and facilitates on-going activities, trainings and support groups. To register to attend, or for a copy of the current “What’s Happening at Rainbow?” schedule of activities, please call 805-485-9643 or 800-332-3679.
- Teddy Bear Brigade – Thousand Oaks 1-3pm Meets 3rd Saturday of the month, except for summer months. For children 3 -13 years old with special needs and their siblings. It includes stories, sensory themes, crafts and music planned each month. Visit to register or call Rainbow. Parents meet separately for social and networking time. *No meetings during the summer.
- ASAP: Asperger’s Support Group for Adolescents Plus! (English) – A social support group for teens and young adults with Asperger’s or High-Functioning Autism. For more information log on to
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Parent Support Group (English) – Oxnard 7 – 9pm, 2nd Wednesday of the month. Families meet to share the experiences they’ve had with their children with special needs and learn about resources. You can connect with the group at * No meetings during the summer.
- Autismo Support Group (Spanish) – Oxnard 7 – 8:30pm, 3rd Thursday of the month. Families meet to share the experiences and resources.
- Group for Parents of Kids with Autism – Meets on the last Monday of the month at 6:30. We provide child care. The address is 2697 Lavery Ct., Suite 17 Newbury Park. Contact Leila Silva at (805)480-9039 home or (805)341-3089 cell.
- Ventura County Autism Society – Promotes lifelong access and opportunity for all individuals within the autism spectrum and their families to be fully included members of the community. For more information call Ventura County Autism Society at 805-496-1632 or
- Cerebral Palsy Support Group, Simi Valley (meets separately in English & Spanish) – Meets 3rd Monday of the month, 9:30 – 11:00 am. Join other parents to talk about issues related to raising children with cerebral palsy and share resources and information.
- Down Syndrome Support Group, Oxnard (meets separately in English & Spanish) – Meets last Thursday of the month, 7:00 pm–8:30pm. Families have open discussions on issues related to raising children with Down syndrome.
- Epilepsy Support Group, Oxnard (Bilingual) – Meets 1st Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm–8:30pm. Families meet to share the experiences and resources.
- Parents Connection, Fillmore (Spanish) – Meets 4th Monday of the month, 10am – 11am. Families of children with special needs meet at Burger King to connect and share information.
- Santa Paula Support Group (Spanish) – Meets 1st Monday of the month 5:30pm – 7:00pm. Families meet to share the experiences and resources.
- Special Families Support Group, Oxnard (Spanish) – Meets 1st Friday of the month, 6:30pm– 8:00pm. Families meet to share the experiences and resources.
- Special Parents Network, Oxnard & Simi Valley (English) – Oxnard 10am – 11:30am, 3rd Wednesday of the month; Simi Valley 9:30 – 11am, 3rd Thursday of the month. Come and join us for a cup of coffee, learn about our resources and talk about issues related to raising children with special needs.
- Santa Clara Support Group, Fillmore and Piru (Spanish) –
Meets 3rd Monday of the month, 5:30 – 7:00pm. Families meet to share the experiences they’ve had with their children with special needs and learn about resources. - Santa Paula Support Group (English) – Meets 4th Monday of the month, 5:30pm – 7:00pm. Families meet to share the experiences they’ve had with their children with special needs and learn about resources.
- Special Parents Ventura County Networking Group – Online: An online forum where parents of children with special needs can offer and receive support, referrals and information. This networking group provides families with a comfortable and convenient environment for exchanging ideas and resources on everything from medical visits to IEP’s. Simply activate a free YAHOO user ID and Password account to log into this forum at
- Rainbow Moms Day Out, Oxnard (Spanish) – Typically meets 3rd week of the month. Come and enjoy time with other mothers of children with special needs and have a relaxing time. For information or to RSVP please call Rainbow.
- Rainbow Moms Connecting, Ventura County (English) – Meeting dates and times vary. Come and enjoy a night out with other mothers of children with special needs.
- Special Parent’s Café is an informal group of parents of children with special needs who meets to share information, take a break and make new friends. For more info contact Sandi @ 805.552.1917 or at or Kathy @ 805.915.8726 or at