Our Therapists

Main Street Counseling Group is committed to your personal growth and success, and to your discovery of a more fulfilling experience of being human.

Jeri Johnson, Licensed MFT

When Life Feels Out of Balance… Compassionate and Collaborative Therapy Can Help My clients come to therapy when they feel overwhelmed with difficulties they encounter in their lives.  At times, some of them experience difficulties with: • A breakdown in communication. • Mistrust in a marriage or in a significant relationship. • The ongoing challenges of raising children […]

I believe fulfillment comes from safe and healthy connections…

to self, family and the social environment. I work with adults and teens suffering in ways that prevent successful engagement with the world: depression, addiction, anxiety, trauma and broken family bonds.

In a caring, respectful and creative therapeutic process…

I honor diversity and respect cultural and gender identity differences. I help you remember your own strengths and values, make new meaning from past and current pain, and develop the new skills and goals that are in line with where you want your life to go.

Call Me Today

Please call us at 805-798-0405, or contact us via this site to learn more about how we can work together to help you generate stability and success in your life and important relationships.